With ‘untitled’, I intended to explore how visual art - usually a ‘loud’, highly perceptive medium - can become more subtle, while poetry - a more elusive, interpretive medium - can be more confrontational. In this combination, I do not assign either medium a “secondary” power level, but allow their interplay to enhance each other. My work was created with both genres in mind.
I did not create this alone. With several rounds of feedback from Professor Sydelnik, Writing Consultants, Writing Fellows, my classmates, and my friends - even if this poem made them cry - I was able to revise this deeply personal piece and come to my own voice. I put so much of myself in it. In many ways, the crafting of “untitled” observed my growth as a writer, illustrator, collaborator, and person. It is my personal testament to how cathartic, comforting, collaborative, exploratory and liberating writing can be.
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